4 Ways to Manage Anxiety While Going Back to School - COVID-19 Edition


Back to school anxiety

The first day is here...the panic sets in. How will I manage my anxiety being around others and in a classroom full of students? Will everyone be wearing masks? Will everyone stay six feet apart? Will I be okay for the whole class period? Whew!

If you are currently asking all the questions above, know that I can relate. I have returned to in-person learning myself while going back to grad school and to say that it’s been a high anxiety time is a bit of an understatement. 

Women pointing to a presentation with a mask on. Clear Vista Counseling helps clients lower anxiety and stress through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) in the Charlotte area.

During the first week of class, I have learned some good strategies that have helped me lower my stress and anxiety:

4 Ways to Manage anxiety at school

  1. Shut off the news, social media, and/or any platform that is impacting your mental health. Being flooded by news related to the pandemic for hours everyday can take its toll. 99.99% of it can be upsetting and can trigger your anxiety. Take a break for a while to give yourself some peace of mind. 

  2. Build relationships with those at school and in your community. You don’t have to go it alone, connect with like minded people, your classmates, and community groups. While safe measures are in place now at schools, use this in-person time by telling others how you feel. Know that you are not alone. 

  3. Practice self-care with nutrition, exercise, and enough sleep. Taking care of your body has a direct impact on your mental health. Nourishing your body with healthy foods, regularly exercising, and getting 8-9 hours of sleep per night will boost your overall wellbeing. 

  4. Practice mindfulness. Start your day with positive affirmations, list three things you are grateful for in a journal, and/or practice yoga or stretching activities. How you start your day can affect how the rest of your day will go. 

By using the four strategies above, I have been able to work through anxious thoughts about returning to in-person school. It is my hope that these tools will be helpful for you as well. If you find yourself struggling even after trying some of the strategies above, please know that we are here for you. At Clear Vista Counseling, we work with clients who are struggling with their stress and anxiety levels. If and when you feel ready to reach out, we are one phone call/email away.

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Anxiety THerapist in Charlotte

Mina S. Rasti, MA, LCMHCA, NCC is a mental health therapist who specializes in helping clients manage anxiety, lower stress, and change their relationship with perfectionism. Are you struggling with back to school anxiety? Mina can help!